Sunday, January 11, 2009

Quiet Times

Hey all!
How is everyone doing with their quiet times? If your like me, you aren't doing too well. I'm sure a lot of you are having them nice and consistent, but I thought I'd put this up so that those who are struggling know that they're not alone. If you are like me, school is really heavy on your shoulders, and trying to get up early in the morning to go to class is hard enough, without a half hour or more added for a quiet time. If you are like me, you are passionate about God, but on school days, school tends to take priority. Well we could do the ol' "oh man, we stink. we need to get back into doing that" thing, and go to bed all passionate and ready. But when the alarm clock starts to ring, and you feel you could sleep another century, that passion starts to wear a wee bit thin.

So what can we do? Well we can pray. I know that's what everyone says about everything, but that's because it works. We can ask others for prayer, and we can just stop worrying about school and just do our quiet times. Not in a rushed way, but really trying to concentrate on God. It says in Mathew 6:33 "Seek first his kingdom, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." This means if we do what God wants, then he will provide for what we need. We just need to trust in God. Remember, I'm talking to myself as well, so I'd like to get some of the prayer I hope this will stimulate. :) Thanks for listening!


one way up cast said...


I SOOO needed this post. Last night I was flipping out because my schedule is nuts and I want to keep up good grades, karate and my passion for God.

I was thinking, "I'm not superwoman! How am I supposed to handle all of this?"

answer: God. I've got to trust in God, and pray for his help because I can't do anything on my own.

Great Post Dave! As I said, I SOOO needed that.

Please be praying for me!!!


Dave said...

Righto ol' chap. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow that is so me! We just started doing the bible reading plan in 12:13, and I have to say I'm way behind. When the perfect time comes to do my reading, I push it aside, making other excuses abut school, etc.

Elizabeth Kelley said...

Yeah, school and the snooze button seem to be the big issues. Most of the time, my issue isn't waking up, but actually hauling my lazy self out of bed to walk four feet to get my Bible, pen, journal... whatever my brain can think up. And then, eventually, it gets to be time for school.
Aaand putting it like THAT makes the issue obvious - I'm valuing my own time and comfort far more highly than God Himself, the one who bled for my soul. Ironic, isn't it? We convince ourselves ever-so-well that we are god, when we know full well that HE is God. We disregard the one who "made Himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men." Yet, still there is grace. We are forgiven even of being pig-headed and arrogant.
Thanks for the post, David!

Samuel said...

I just wanted to add that it (at least for me) is a struggle with passion. A quite time is not the time when you have to spend time with God it is when you get to spend time with God. The time with him is a gift not a check box on a spiritual list.
"In that same hour he rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, 'I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will.'"Luke 10:21

Jenna said...

Nice post!

I'd suggest doing your Quiet times at night before you go to bed. That's when i do it. :) It makes it so much easier to fit into your schedule.

katie p. said...

That's a good idea!

Dave said...

Thanks for that thought, Sam!

Daniel Garay said...

I've been doing good thanks, Proverbs is really helping me out :)

Anonymous said...

I'm going through the New Testament. But yeah, the lack of sleep/want for comfort is hard to fight.
Hey, does anyone else have a hard time remembering to do quiet times on Saturday besides me?
And who's Kt?

Elizabeth Kelley said...

I'm with my brother in wondering who KT is... although I like a good challenge. Maybe I'll just poke my nose around until I figure it out. :-)
Saturdays? Oh yeah. Those are the days where there's nothing going on except the occasional math lesson that was supposed to be done on Friday, 10:31, or Tree House Gang. So I think I can goof off all day. I rationalize that I can do it "later." Never mind that I have chores, I'll have to do this or that other assignment, and then I'll wanna play just one more round of Mariokarts... at which point, this happens. "Ohmigosh, how'd that happen?! It's 3:00, and I have to get shower and bolt to Tree House Gang!"

katie p. said...

Haha... let's see, should I tell or not tell?

Elizabeth Kelley said...

No. Let me keep nosing around. Tell my brother, if you like, but I'd like to play the investigator for a bit.

katie p. said...

Ok! Allie, don't tell. ;)

Elizabeth Kelley said...

Oh, now you're giving me some ground... Allie knows you. Hmm. Hmm. HMM! :-)
I'll just watch any and all comments from you, thoroughly investigate your profile, and what-not. Gosh, this is fun!

katie p. said...

Ok... Don't go overboard...

Elizabeth Kelley said...

Lol. Are you kidding?? This is ME we're talking about... I'm obliged to go overboard. :-)

katie p. said...

Haha! Have you figured it out yet?