Monday, April 27, 2009

Peace Out!

Hey Everyone! I've had alot of things on my mind lately. I'm crazy busy and even when I'm not crazy busy, I think I am and start stressing out. I've had alot of time working on the play, and I'm up to my eyeballs in some school subjects. Plus there are basic other things like serving at home and at church, and decisions that I need to make. Plus in the last week or so I've been battling against (not severe) depression. This has been causing my spiritual life to plummit. You'd think that I would want to pour myself out to God in this time of hardship, but that's not what my hearts been telling me to do. Yeah, listen to the stupid blonde listening to her heart...I was telling my friend Dave about this concern and he wisely told me that is was probably me thinking that I knew how to figure it out and not relying on God. This was true, and It's hard to battle- that inner pride thinking that I can do it by myself. And I can't.

"The only temptation that has come to you is that which everyone has. But you can trust God, who will not permit you to be tempted more than you can stand. But when you are tempted, he will also give you a way to escape so that you will be able to stand it." 1 Corinthians 10:13

" Whoever listens to what is taught will suceed, and whoever trusts the Lord will be happy." Proverbs 16:20

God knows exactly what's going on, and why. Have peace and know that he is in control.

In His Grace,


Saturday, April 25, 2009

God's Work and Grace in our Lives (Elizabeth and Kylie)

As I'm sure pretty much everybody who comes here knows, we just performed the show Pilgrim. Lots of people in the show, myself included, were more than a little bit nervous. The dress rehearsal just before opening night had been full of "speed bumps." We prayed before the show that we'd do the show for the glory of God, and not for our own glory. We prayed for the unbelievers and believers alike who were coming to see the show. So, here's the cool thing. The prayer didn't stay downstairs. I, and probably other people as well, were praying backstage. (This is NOT to exult myself as a godly person or anything like that. I would not have done that of my own accord, it was definitely the King helping me.)

Sometimes, when we read the words "Pray without ceasing" in our Bibles, it looks so dull. Pray all the time? Ugh! Can't we do anything fun? We get this mental image of praying on our knees, heads bowed, hands clasped together. We think of it as boring.

Well, He showed me something last night. It's not a drag. "It's just talkin' to Him." I had peace, not anxiety, and hope, not fear. I know God was working last night, and I could feel His pleasure that we were portraying Him, or at least trying to do so. We serve a God who is all too ready to answer our prayers.

Yes, and God has answered our prayers. Mrs. Mays spent SOOO much time praying for everyone in the cast and crew individualy. And praying for all the characters...Mrs. Mays did not make a single decision without asking God first. The whole show was turned over to God and it's just been revealed to us that anything is possible with God. Only by God's grace has the show come together. And God has taken away our anxiety and fear and filled us with joy and amazement. God is So GOOD!

In His Grace,

Elizabeth and Kylie

Sunday, April 12, 2009

o HaPpY dAy

Happy Easter Everyone! Sorry we haven't posted in like forever...but I just wanted to reflect a bit on the meaning of easter.

How did your easter start? Did you automatically think of what Jesus did for you on the cross?

or did your day start like mine?

it was eight o'clock. my Dad yelled upstairs that we were going to second service and that we could come downstairs now. I dragged myself out of bed, put my feet on the freezing floor and grabbed my sweatshirt. I walked downstairs and greeted my family with a Happy Easter and looked on the couch where normally my easter basket was. I was instantly concerned- I picked up a slip of paper with my name on it that had a clue to find my easter basketl. I went through about four of these slips before I even thought about the cross and the meaning of the day. On about the fourth slip there was a reference to the cross- before that my mind had been only full of the thoughts of chocolate, peeps and cadburry creme eggs. And let me tell you, boy did I feel stupid.

Easter isn't about the chocolate or the bunnies or's about Jesus. On Easter we should become freshly aware of what God's done for us. What Jesus did on the cross for us. And to think somehow, Jesus' ressurection somehow turned to chocolate. Not that chocolates or Easter candy are bad- but they are in no way what Easter's about. Ok, I'm starting to go all over the place and being me I will do that often...

Actually the easter egg is said to represent the stone that was rolled off Jesus' grave- I dont know if that's true or not but I found it interesting.

I hope you all were freshly reminded of God's Grace towards us the sinners that we are. And I hope you keep the even of Easter in your mind everyday, and I would encourage you all to read this passage of God's word often- and be filled with passion for what He's done.

Happy Easter!

In His Grace,
